Client testimony : Colliers

« Space Real Estate is an easy-to-understand software, very complete and offers an excellent quality-price ratio. I have been working with this solution for more than 20 years. »

Denis Bélanger, CPA, CA, is vice-president of operations and real estate management services.

Work with Praeneste Technologies


To begin, the accessibility of the people in charge of the Space solution's customer service guarantees that Colliers will be carefully listened and that its needs will be addressed. The adaptation of certain functionalities to Colliers' new needs has notably allowed the group to facilitate its real estate management over the years. Proximity is therefore a definite quality of Praeneste Technologies that is highly valued by Colliers.


The bilingualism, essential for an international group such as Colliers, is a necessity to which Space Real Estate answers perfectly, and which allows a uniform collection and treatment of the information, through all the services of the group and with its customers.


The collection of the sums due is also a task facilitated by Space. Thanks to the functional richness of the tool, the collection is easy.
Finally, one of the functionalities of Space Real Estate most appreciated by Colliers is the generation of performance reports, whether it is for lease management, financial management or leasehold improvement. Indeed, the possibility to generate and write its own performance reports is very useful for the group.

Colliers, a major player in the Quebec real estate ecosystem

As a rental property manager, Colliers faces many challenges: visibility on the performance of each asset, collection, tenant management, lease management, etc. The rental management of a wide range of properties is an activity that requires a great deal of rigor and visibility over the entire portfolio. Colliers has appreciated working with Praeneste Technologies for several years, because the Space software and the services offered totally meet its needs.

Colliers, some key figures for Quebec :

- 6 to 7 million square feet in rental management;
- 80 buildings.


Ready to adopt space?


Date: 21/09/2021
Project Type:

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